I’m almost done with a very stable version of the Python code running the PiPlanter. There are many specific differences between this version of the python code and the version I wrote and implemented last summer, but the main one is that I tried to write functions for pretty much every task I wanted to do, and made each routine much more modular instead of one long line after line block to do each day. This took significantly longer to do (thus the lack of updates, sorry) but is much more expandable going forward. Below is the new version of the code, but by no means am I an expert programmer. The following code seems to work very well for what I want it to do.
import MySQLdb from datetime import datetime import time from time import sleep import os import sys import spidev import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import tweepy import logging logging.basicConfig() from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler import subprocess def ConsoleDebug(input): debug = '[' + datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%Y_%I-%M-%S-%p") + '] Debug: ' + input print debug file = open(str(os.getcwd()) + "/log.txt", "a") file.write(debug + "\n") file.close() def FirstTimeSetup(): global cycle ConsoleDebug('---------------- NEW INSTANCE OF PIPLANTER ----------------') MySQL_Commands = {1 : 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS PiPlanter_DB', 2: "GRANT ALL ON `PiPlanter_DB`.* TO 'piplanter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'", 3: 'USE PiPlanter_DB' } for i in MySQL_Commands.itervalues(): ConsoleDebug('MYSQL COMMAND: ' + i) cursor.execute(i) MySQLTableSetup(False,'Daily',True) VisualLocationSetup(True,'dontcare') ConsoleDebug('Setup Complete') cycle = 0 def MySQLTableSetup(full,kind,first): global MySQL_Tables now = datetime.now().strftime("%m_%d_%Y__%I_%M_%S%p") if first == True: MySQL_Tables = { 'MySQLTable_Daily' : 'DailyTable' + now, 'MySQLTable_Weekly' : 'WeeklyTable' + now, 'MySQLTable_Monthly' : 'MonthlyTable' + now} if full == False: CreateTables = {0: "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100))", 1 : "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100))" , 2 : "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100))"} for i in CreateTables.itervalues(): ConsoleDebug('MYSQL COMMAND: ' + i) cursor.execute(i) if full == True: CreateTables = {0: "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP1 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP2 VARCHAR(100),P_MST2 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP3 VARCHAR(100),P_MST3 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR1 VARCHAR(100),A_MST0 VARCHAR(100))", 1:"CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP1 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP2 VARCHAR(100),P_MST2 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP3 VARCHAR(100),P_MST3 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR1 VARCHAR(100),A_MST0 VARCHAR(100))" , 2:"CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP1 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP2 VARCHAR(100),P_MST2 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP3 VARCHAR(100),P_MST3 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR1 VARCHAR(100),A_MST0 VARCHAR(100))" } for i in CreateTables.itervalues(): ConsoleDebug('MYSQL COMMAND: ' + i) cursor.execute(i) elif first == False: if kind == 'Daily': ConsoleDebug('Daily Database Name Has Been Updated') MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] = 'DailyTable_' + now ConsoleDebug(MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily']) if full == False: CreateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100))" elif full == True: CreateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP1 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP2 VARCHAR(100),P_MST2 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP3 VARCHAR(100),P_MST3 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR1 VARCHAR(100),A_MST0 VARCHAR(100))" elif kind == 'Weekly': ConsoleDebug('Daily Database Name Has Been Updated') MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] = 'WeeklyTable_' + now ConsoleDebug(MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly']) if full == False: CreateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100))" elif full == True: CreateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP1 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP2 VARCHAR(100),P_MST2 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP3 VARCHAR(100),P_MST3 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR1 VARCHAR(100),A_MST0 VARCHAR(100))" elif kind == 'Monthly': ConsoleDebug('Daily Database Name Has Been Updated') MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] = 'MonthlyTable_' + now ConsoleDebug(MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly']) if full == False: CreateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100))" elif full == True: CreateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,Time VARCHAR(100),P_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),P_MST0 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP1 VARCHAR(100),P_MST1 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP2 VARCHAR(100),P_MST2 VARCHAR(100),P_TMP3 VARCHAR(100),P_MST3 VARCHAR(100),A_TMP0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR0 VARCHAR(100),A_LDR1 VARCHAR(100),A_MST0 VARCHAR(100))" ConsoleDebug('MYSQL: ' + CreateTable) cursor.execute(CreateTable) ConsoleDebug('Current Daily: ' + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily']) ConsoleDebug('Current Weekly: ' + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly']) ConsoleDebug('Current Monthly: ' + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly']) def VisualLocationSetup(first,kind): global VisualLocation now = datetime.now().strftime("%m_%d_%Y__%I_%M_%S%p") runninglocation = str(os.getcwd()) if first == True: ConsoleDebug('Creating Video Directory') if not os.path.exists(runninglocation + '/videos/'): os.makedirs(runninglocation + '/videos/') ConsoleDebug('Video Directory Created') else: ConsoleDebug('Video Directory Already Exists') ConsoleDebug('Creating Daily Video Directory') if not os.path.exists(runninglocation + '/videos/dailys/'): os.makedirs(runninglocation + '/videos/dailys/') else: ConsoleDebug('Daily Video Directory Already Exists') ConsoleDebug('Creating Image Directory') if not os.path.exists(runninglocation + '/images/'): os.makedirs(runninglocation + '/images/') else: ConsoleDebug('Image Directory Already Exists') ConsoleDebug('Creating Daily Image Directory') if not os.path.exists(runninglocation + '/images/dailys/'): os.makedirs(runninglocation + '/images/dailys/') else: ConsoleDebug('Daily Image Directory Already Exists') ConsoleDebug('Creating Graph Directory') if not os.path.exists(runninglocation + '/graphs/'): os.makedirs(runninglocation + '/graphs/') else: ConsoleDebug('Graph Directory Already Exists') ConsoleDebug('Updating All Current Visual Directories') VisualLocation = {'CurrentImageDirectory' : runninglocation + '/images/dailys/' + 'CurrentImageDirectory_' + now + '/' , 'CurrentVideoDirectory' : runninglocation + '/videos/dailys/' + 'CurrentVideoDirectory_' + now + '/' , 'CurrentGraphDirectory' : runninglocation + '/graphs/' + 'CurrentGraphDirectory_' + now + '/' } for i in VisualLocation.itervalues(): ConsoleDebug('Making Directory: ' + i) os.makedirs(i) if first == False: ConsoleDebug('Updating Location Of ' + kind + ' Directory') if kind == 'Image': VisualLocation['CurrentImageDirectory'] = runninglocation + '/images/dailys/' + 'CurrentImageDirectory_' + now + '/' ConsoleDebug('Making Directory: ' + VisualLocation['CurrentImageDirectory']) os.makedirs(VisualLocation['CurrentImageDirectory']) elif kind == 'Video': VisualLocation['CurrentVideoDirectory'] = runninglocation + '/videos/dailys/' + 'CurrentVideoDirectory_' + now + '/' ConsoleDebug('Making Directory: ' + VisualLocation['CurrentVideoDirectory']) os.makedirs(VisualLocation['CurrentVideoDirectory']) elif kind == 'Graph': VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory'] = runninglocation + '/graphs/' + 'CurrentGraphDirectory_' + now + '/' ConsoleDebug('Making Directory: ' + VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory']) os.makedirs(VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory']) ConsoleDebug('Current Image Directory' + VisualLocation['CurrentImageDirectory']) ConsoleDebug('Current Video Directory' + VisualLocation['CurrentVideoDirectory']) ConsoleDebug('Current Graph Directory' + VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory']) return 0 #this function can be used to find out the ADC value on ADC 0 def ReadADC0(adcnum_0): if adcnum_0 > 7 or adcnum_0 < 0: return -1 r_0 = spi_0.xfer2([1, 8 + adcnum_0 << 4, 0]) adcout_0 = ((r_0[1] & 3) << 8) + r_0[2] return adcout_0 #this function can be used to find out the ADC value on ADC 1 def ReadADC1(adcnum_1): if adcnum_1 > 7 or adcnum_1 < 0: return -1 r_1 = spi_1.xfer2([1, 8 + adcnum_1 << 4, 0]) adcout_1 = ((r_1[1] & 3) << 8) + r_1[2] return adcout_1 #this function converts a given value from the ADC and turns it into usable data def ConvertADC(adcinput,unit): millivolts = adcinput*(3300.0/1024.0) #converts the ADC value to milivolts temp_c = ((millivolts - 100.0)/10)-40.0 percent = (adcinput/1024.0)*100 if unit == 'c' : #used for a temperature sensor to return Celsius return temp_c elif unit == 'f' : #used for a temperature sensor to return Fahrenheit temp_f = (temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32 return temp_f elif unit == 'mV': return millivolts elif unit == '%': return percent else: print "ConvertADC input error" return 0 return 0 #returns a usable numerical value from the ADC def PollSensor(sensor,unit,precision,samples): GPIO.output(pins['MST_Enable'], True) if PiPlanterFull == True: #Full PiPlanter sensors = {\ 'P_TMP0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(0),unit),\ 'P_MST0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(1),unit),\ 'P_TMP1' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(2),unit),\ 'P_MST1' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(3),unit),\ 'P_TMP2' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(4),unit),\ 'P_MST2' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(5),unit),\ 'P_TMP3' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(6),unit),\ 'P_MST3' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(7),unit),\ 'A_TMP0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC1(0),unit),\ 'A_LDR0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC1(1),unit),\ 'A_LDR1' : ConvertADC(ReadADC1(2),unit),\ 'A_MST0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC1(3),unit)} else: #Simple PiPlanter sensors = {\ 'P_MST0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(0),unit),\ 'P_MST1' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(1),unit),\ 'A_TMP0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(2),unit),\ 'A_LDR0' : ConvertADC(ReadADC0(3),unit)} outputsum = 0 for x in range(0,samples): #An averaging algorithm that creates a more precise reading outputsum = outputsum + sensors[sensor] output = round(outputsum/samples, precision) GPIO.output(pins['MST_Enable'], False) return output #samples all sensors, outputs different formats of the data to be used in other places in the program def SampleAllSensors(sensor_precision,sensor_samples,form,Full): global MySQL_Tables if Full == True: #Full PiPlanter current_sensors = {\ 'P_TMP0' : PollSensor('P_TMP0' , 'f', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_MST0' : PollSensor('P_MST0' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_TMP1' : PollSensor('P_TMP1' , 'f', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_MST1' : PollSensor('P_MST1' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_TMP2' : PollSensor('P_TMP2' , 'f', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_MST2' : PollSensor('P_MST2' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_TMP3' : PollSensor('P_TMP3' , 'f', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_MST3' : PollSensor('P_MST3' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'A_TMP0' : PollSensor('A_TMP0' , 'f', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'A_LDR0' : PollSensor('A_LDR0' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'A_LDR1' : PollSensor('A_LDR1' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'A_MST0' : PollSensor('A_MST0' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples)} else: #Simple PiPlanter current_sensors = {\ 'P_MST0' : PollSensor('P_MST0' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'P_MST1' : PollSensor('P_MST1' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'A_TMP0' : PollSensor('A_TMP0' , 'f', sensor_precision, sensor_samples),\ 'A_LDR0' : PollSensor('A_LDR0' , '%', sensor_precision, sensor_samples)} if form == 'MySQL': if Full == True: #Full PiPlanter cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Time, P_TMP0, P_MST0, P_TMP1, P_MST1, P_TMP2, P_MST2, P_TMP3, P_MST3, A_TMP0, A_LDR0, A_LDR1, A_MST0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_MST0']) + ")" ) user.commit() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] + "(Time, P_TMP0, P_MST0, P_TMP1, P_MST1, P_TMP2, P_MST2, P_TMP3, P_MST3, A_TMP0, A_LDR0, A_LDR1, A_MST0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_MST0']) + ")" ) user.commit() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Time, P_TMP0, P_MST0, P_TMP1, P_MST1, P_TMP2, P_MST2, P_TMP3, P_MST3, A_TMP0, A_LDR0, A_LDR1, A_MST0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_MST0']) + ")" ) user.commit() ConsoleDebug('MySQL Tables Updated Full') output = "INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Time, P_TMP0, P_MST0, P_TMP1, P_MST1, P_TMP2, P_MST2, P_TMP3, P_MST3, A_TMP0, A_LDR0, A_LDR1, A_MST0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST2']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_TMP3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST3']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_MST0']) + ")" else: #Simple PiPlanter cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Time, P_MST0, P_MST1, A_TMP0, A_LDR0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + ")" ) user.commit() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'] + "(Time, P_MST0, P_MST1, A_TMP0, A_LDR0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + ")" ) user.commit() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Monthly'] + "(Time, P_MST0, P_MST1, A_TMP0, A_LDR0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + ")" ) user.commit() ConsoleDebug('MySQL Tables Updated Simple') output = "INSERT INTO " + MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'] + "(Time, P_MST0, P_MST1, A_TMP0, A_LDR0)" + " VALUES(NOW()" + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['P_MST1']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_TMP0']) + "," + str(current_sensors['A_LDR0']) + ")" elif form == 'Console': if Full == True: #Full PiPlanter output = 'Debug Update:' + ' P_TMP0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_TMP0'])) + ',' + ' P_MST0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_MST0'])) + ',' + ' P_TMP1: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_TMP1'])) + ',' + ' P_MST1: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_MST1'])) + ','+ ' P_TMP2: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_TMP2'])) + ','+ ' P_MST2: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_MST2'])) + ','+ ' P_TMP3: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_TMP3'])) + ','+ ' P_MST3: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_MST3'])) + ',' + ' A_TMP0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['A_TMP0'])) + ',' + ' A_LDR0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['A_LDR0'])) + ','+ ' A_LDR1: ' + str(str(current_sensors['A_LDR1'])) + ','+ ' A_MST0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['A_MST0'])) else: #Simple PiPlanter output = 'Debug Update:' + ' P_MST0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_MST0'])) + ',' + ' P_MST1: ' + str(str(current_sensors['P_MST1'])) + ',' + ' A_TMP0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['A_TMP0'])) + ',' + ' A_LDR0: ' + str(str(current_sensors['A_LDR0'])) elif form == 'Twitter': if Full == True: #Full PiPlanter output = 'Ambient LDR: ' + str(round(((current_sensors['A_LDR0'] + current_sensors['A_LDR1'])/2),1) ) + '%, ' + 'Ambient Tmp: ' + str(round(current_sensors['A_TMP0'],1)) + 'DF, ' + 'Average Plant Tmp: ' + str(round( (current_sensors['P_TMP0'] + current_sensors['P_TMP1'] + current_sensors['P_TMP2'] + current_sensors['P_TMP3'] )/4, sensor_precision-2)) + 'DF, ' + 'Ambient Mst: ' + str(round(current_sensors['A_MST0'],2)) + '%, ' + 'Average Plant Mst: ' + str(round( (current_sensors['P_MST0']+current_sensors['P_MST1']+ current_sensors['P_MST2']+ current_sensors['P_MST3'] )/4 ,1)) + '%' else: #Simple PiPlanter output = 'Ambient Light: ' + str(round((current_sensors['A_LDR0']),1)) + '%, ' + 'Ambient Temp: ' + str(round(current_sensors['A_TMP0'],1)) + 'DF, ' + 'Average Plant Mst: ' + str(round( (current_sensors['P_MST0']+current_sensors['P_MST1'])/2 ,1)) + '%' else: print "ConvertADC input SampleAllSensors" return 0 return output #pumps a given amount of water from a given pump def PumpWater(pump,volume): LPM = 4.00 #L per minute ontime = volume*(60/LPM) ConsoleDebug('PUMP ON') GPIO.output(pumps[pump],True) time.sleep(ontime) GPIO.output(pumps[pump],False) ConsoleDebug('PUMP OFF') output = 'Pumped ' + str(volume) + ' L Of Water Into Plants In ' + str(ontime) + ' Seconds' ConsoleDebug(output) return output def Image(dir,cycle,high_quality): image = dir + str(cycle).zfill(4) + '.jpg' if high_quality == False: picture_command = 'raspistill -q 41 -o ' + image if high_quality == True: picture_command = 'raspistill -q 100 -o ' + image os.system(picture_command) ConsoleDebug('Image Captured, High Quality = ' + str(high_quality) + ', Image: ' + str(image)) return image def RenderGraph(table,location): ConsoleDebug('Rendering Graph') rendercommand = 'php ' + str(os.getcwd()) + '/pChartRender_1_0_5.php ' + table + ' ' + location ConsoleDebug('Running Command: ' + rendercommand) proc = subprocess.Popen(rendercommand, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) script_response = proc.stdout.read() ConsoleDebug('Output File: ' + script_response) ConsoleDebug('Rendering Complete') return script_response def TryTweet(image, imagelocation, text): i = 0 while i < 500: try: ConsoleDebug('Attempt [' + str(i) + '] To Tweet: ' + text + ' , image = ' + str(image)) if image == True: output = api.update_with_media(imagelocation, text) if image == False: output = api.update_status(text) break except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: ConsoleDebug('Tweet Failed, Retrying') ConsoleDebug('Twitter Error: ' + str(e)) i = i + 1 time.sleep(15) ConsoleDebug('Tweet Sent After ' + str(i) + ' Attempts, Details: Actual Text [ ' + str(output.text) + '] URL: https://twitter.com/piplanter_bot/status/' + str(output.id) ) def RenderVideo(infolder,outfolder): outputfile = outfolder + str(datetime.now().strftime("%m_%d_%Y__%I_%M_%S%p")) + '_VIDEO.avi' ConsoleDebug('Attempting To Render: ' + outputfile) render_command = 'sudo mencoder mf://' + str(infolder) + '*.jpg -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:aspect=16/9:vbitrate=8000000 -vf scale=1920:1080 -mf type=jpeg:fps=15 -o ' + outputfile os.system(render_command) ConsoleDebug('Render Complete, File: ' + outputfile) return outputfile def FifteenMinutes(): global cycle SampleAllSensors(1,1000,'MySQL',False) ConsoleDebug(SampleAllSensors(5,1000,'Console',False)) image = Image(VisualLocation['CurrentImageDirectory'],cycle,False) tweet = SampleAllSensors(3,20,'Twitter',False) + " https://esologic.com/?page_id=1042" TryTweet(True,image,tweet) cycle = cycle + 1 def ThreeHours(): graphlocation = RenderGraph(MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'],VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory']) tweet = 'Graph of day so far: Moisture % - Blue, Ambient Light % - Yellow, Temp DF - Red https://esologic.com/?page_id=1042' TryTweet(True,graphlocation,tweet) def Daily(): graphlocation = RenderGraph(MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Daily'],VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory']) MySQLTableSetup(False,'Daily',False) tweet = 'Graph of Previous 24 Hours: Moisture % - Blue, Ambient Light % - Yellow, Temp DF - Red https://esologic.com/?page_id=1042' TryTweet(True,graphlocation,tweet) tweet2 = PumpWater('PUMP0',1.5) TryTweet(False,'',tweet2) RenderVideo(VisualLocation['CurrentImageDirectory'],VisualLocation['CurrentVideoDirectory']) def Weekly(): graphlocation = RenderGraph(MySQL_Tables['MySQLTable_Weekly'],VisualLocation['CurrentGraphDirectory']) tweet = 'Graph of Previous 3 Days: Moisture % - Blue, Ambient Light % - Yellow, Temp DF - Red https://esologic.com/?page_id=1042' TryTweet(True,graphlocation,tweet) MySQLTableSetup(False,'Daily',False) if __name__ == '__main__': global MySQL_Tables global VisualLocation consumer_key="" consumer_secret="" access_token="" access_token_secret="" auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) pins = {'MST_Enable' : 8} #assign names to GPIO pins for d in pins.itervalues(): GPIO.setup(d,GPIO.OUT) pumps = {'PUMP0' : 7, 'PUMP1' : 11, 'PUMP2' : 13, 'PUMP3' : 16} #assign names to GPIO pins for k in pumps.itervalues(): GPIO.setup(k,GPIO.OUT) #first ADC setup on SPI port 1 spi_1 = spidev.SpiDev() spi_1.open(0, 1) #first ADC setup on SPI port 0 spi_0 = spidev.SpiDev() spi_0.open(0, 0) PiPlanterFull = False user = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="") cursor = user.cursor() scheduler = Scheduler(standalone=True) scheduler.add_interval_job(FifteenMinutes, minutes = 15) scheduler.add_interval_job(ThreeHours, hours = 3) scheduler.add_interval_job(Daily, days=1) scheduler.add_interval_job(Weekly, days=3) try: FirstTimeSetup() PumpWater('PUMP0',3) scheduler.start() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass
Note the distinct lack of comments. I will put out a much more polished version of the code when it’s done. Before I move onto things like a web UI etc, I would like to do a few more things with this standalone version. The above version renders videos into time lapses, I would like to be able to upload those videos somewhere, hopefully youtube. I would also like to be able to email the log file to the user daily, which should be easier than uploading videos to youtube.
The script that renders the MySQL data into a graph is the following, it on the other hand has not changed much at all since last year and is still the best method to render graphs like I want to:
<?php /* Include all the classes */ include("/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pData.class.php"); include("/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pDraw.class.php"); include("/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pImage.class.php"); $myData = new pData(); /* Create your dataset object */ $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "", ""); //location of server, db username, db pass mysql_select_db("PiPlanter_Database", $db); $Requete = "SELECT * FROM DailyTable07_11_2014__04_05_09PM"; $Result = mysql_query($Requete, $db); /*This fetches the data from the mysql database, and adds it to pchart as points*/ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)) { $Time = $row["Time"]; $myData->addPoints($Time,"Time"); $P_MST0 = $row["P_MST0"]; $myData->addPoints($P_MST0,"P_MST0"); $P_MST1 = $row["P_MST1"]; $myData->addPoints($P_MST1,"P_MST1"); $A_TMP0 = $row["A_TMP0"]; $myData->addPoints($A_TMP0,"A_TMP0"); $A_LDR0 = $row["A_LDR0"]; $myData->addPoints($A_LDR0,"A_LDR0"); } $myData-> setSerieOnAxis("P_MST0", 2); $myData-> setSerieOnAxis("P_MST1", 2); $myData-> setAxisName(2, "Relative Moisture [%]"); $myData-> setSerieOnAxis("A_TMP0", 0); //assigns the data to the first axis $myData-> setAxisName(0, "Degrees [F]"); //adds the label to the first axis $myData-> setSerieOnAxis("A_LDR0", 1); $myData-> setAxisName(1, "Ambient Light Level [%]"); $myData->setAbscissa("Time"); //sets the time data set as the x axis label $myData-> setSerieWeight("P_MST0",1); //draws the line thickness $myData->setPalette("P_MST0",array("R"=>58,"G"=>95,"B"=>205,"Alpha"=>80)); //sets the line color $myData-> setSerieWeight("P_MST1",1); $myData->setPalette("P_MST1",array("R"=>39,"G"=>64,"B"=>139,"Alpha"=>80)); $myData-> setSerieWeight("A_LDR0",2); $myData-> setSerieTicks("A_LDR0", 4); $myData-> setSerieWeight("A_TMP0",2); $myData-> setSerieTicks("A_TMP0", 4); $myPicture = new pImage(4000,500,$myData); /* Create a pChart object and associate your dataset */ $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>"/srv/www/lib/pChart/fonts/pf_arma_five.ttf","FontSize"=>6)); /* Choose a nice font */ $myPicture->setGraphArea(130,40,3900,300); /* Define the boundaries of the graph area */ $myPicture->drawScale(array("LabelRotation"=>320)); /* Draw the scale, keep everything automatic */ $Settings = array("R"=>250, "G"=>250, "B"=>250, "Dash"=>1, "DashR"=>0, "DashG"=>0, "DashB"=>0); /*The combination makes a cool looking graph*/ $myPicture->drawPlotChart(array("DisplayValues"=>TRUE)); $myPicture->drawLineChart(); $myPicture->drawLegend(30,320); //adds the legend //$date-> date("d-M-Y:H:i:s"); //$myPicture->autoOutput(); /* Build the PNG file and send it to the web browser */ $myPicture->render("/home/pi/PiPlanter2/graphs/".date("d-M-Y_H:i:s").".png"); ?>
Here are some photos of the current setup, it hasn’t changed much since last time:
Thank you very much for reading.
I love your website. You have a lot of useful content.