PiPlanter | Big Overhaul Update

Okay! So I leave for college in less than 30 days, but I’d like to make sure my tomatoes to continue to grow once I leave so I’ve taken some steps to make sure that my departure goes smoothly.

Here’s a video of my revised setup:

There are a few key differences between this setup and my previous one:

The main one is that the watering system has been 100% re-vamped. The water distribution happens via a hose with holes in it instead of using the tray at the bottom of the plant grid in the previous video.

It also takes, uploads and tweets a picture of itself using a raspberry pi camera module.

It also creates a new mysql table every two weeks, and in turn, renders a new kind of graph. The renderscript.php file receives an argument from the python script which is the table code.

Here’s the python script:

#Timing setup
from datetime import datetime
from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os

now =datetime.datetime.now()

#import logging #if you start getting logging errors, uncomment these two lines

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
pin = 26 #pin for the adc
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)
NPNtrans = 3 #the pin for the npn transistor
GPIO.setup(NPNtrans, GPIO.OUT)
sampleLED = 5 #the indicator LED
GPIO.setup(sampleLED, GPIO.OUT)
pump = 7 #pin for the pump
GPIO.setup(pump, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(pump, False)

#the adc's SPI setup
import spidev
spi = spidev.SpiDev()
spi.open(0, 0)

#sets up the program's ability to write to a mysql database
import MySQLdb
con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost','piplanter_user','piplanter_pass','piplanter');
cursor = con.cursor()

#tweepy setup, you must use the keys given to you when you create your app
import tweepy
#"logs in" to twitter, 
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

#Flickr Setup
import flickrapi
api_key = ''
api_secret = ''
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json')
(token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

#Variable Setup
ontime = 60

global table_number
table_number = 0

#fuction that can read the adc
def readadc(adcnum): 
# read SPI data from MCP3008 chip, 8 possible adc's (0 thru 7)
    if adcnum > 7 or adcnum < 0:
        return -1
    r = spi.xfer2([1, 8 + adcnum << 4, 0])
    adcout = ((r[1] & 3) << 8) + r[2]
    return adcout
def water():
	print "===== Starting Watering Process ====="
	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, True)
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, True)
	sensor1_before = readadc(0)
	sensor2_before = readadc(1)
	sensor3_before = readadc(2)
	sensor4_before = readadc(3)
	before = "WATERING START / Moisture Before - " + "Sensor 1:" + str(sensor1_before) + " Sensor 2:" + str(sensor2_before) + " Sensor 3:" + str(sensor3_before) + " Sensor 4:" + str(sensor4_before) + " - Average:" + str((float(sensor1_before+sensor2_before+sensor3_before+sensor4_before)/4)) 
	print before
	GPIO.output(pump, True)
	GPIO.output(pump, False)
	time.sleep(60) #gives the water time to penetrate the soil
	sensor1_after = readadc(0)
	sensor2_after = readadc(1)
	sensor3_after = readadc(2)
	sensor4_after = readadc(3)
	after = "WATERING COMPLETED / Moisture After - " + "Sensor 1:" + str(sensor1_after) + " Sensor 2:" + str(sensor2_after) + " Sensor 3:" + str(sensor3_after) + " Sensor 4:" + str(sensor4_after) + " - Average: " + str((float(sensor1_after+sensor2_after+sensor3_after+sensor4_after)/4)) 
	print after
	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, False)
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, False)
	print "====== Watering Process Complete ====="    	
def hourlyUpdate():
	GPIO.output(pump, False)
	print "----------start----------\n"
	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, True)
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, True)
	sampleTime = time.ctime()
	mst1 = 1024-readadc(0)
	mst2 = 1024-readadc(1)
	mst3 = 1024-readadc(2)
	mst4 = 1024-readadc(3)
	pot1 = readadc(4)
	ldr1 = readadc(5)
	millivolts = readadc(6)*(3300.0/1024.0)
	temp_c = ((millivolts - 100.0)/10)-40.0
	tmp1 = (temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32
	print 'Polling Probes \n'
	#prints debug info to console
	print sampleTime,"|","MST1:",mst1,"MST2:",mst2,"MST3:",mst3,"MST4:",mst4,"Pot1:",pot1,"LDR1:",ldr1,"TMP1:",tmp1 #prints the debug info
	global table_number
	print 'Adding Data To Table: ' + str(table_number)

	#adds the data to the mysql table
	global table_number
	cursor.execute('INSERT INTO piplanter_table_'+ table_code +'(Time,mst1_V,mst2_V,mst3_V,mst4_V,pot1_V,ldr1_V,tmp1_F) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(sampleTime,mst1,mst2,mst3,mst4,pot1,ldr1,tmp1))
	con.commit() #this is important for live updating
	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, False) #turns the probes off
	print 'Data Collected, Disengaging Probes \n'
	#takes a picture of the plants
	print 'Taking Picture with Raspberry Pi Camera Board'
	picture_dir = '/home/pi/documents/piplanter/images/'
	os.system('raspistill -o ' + picture_dir + str(time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')) + '.jpg')
	print 'Capture Successfull: ' + picture_dir + str(time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')) + '.jpg'
	#finds the newest image in the directory
	print '\nUploading Picture To Flickr'
	picture_allfiles = sorted(os.listdir(picture_dir), key=lambda p: os.path.getctime(os.path.join(picture_dir, p)))
	picture_newest = picture_dir+picture_allfiles[-1]
	print 'File for upload: ' + picture_newest #prints location and file to console
	#uploads the picture of the plants to flickr
	picture_title = 'Picture @ ' + str(sampleTime)
	picture_response = flickr.upload(filename=picture_newest, title=picture_title, format='etree') #uploads the file to flickr
	picture_photoID = picture_response.find('photoid').text #gets the id of the photo for constructing a url
	print 'Picture Upload Successful, Photo ID: ' + picture_photoID + '\n' #more debug info
	#renders the image of the graph
	print "Graph Render Start"
	global table_code
	os.system('php /opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renderScript.php ' + table_code ) #renders the .png file
	print "Graph Render Complete \n"
	#finds the newest image in the directory
	print 'Uploading Graph To Flickr'
	graph_allfiles = sorted(os.listdir('/opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renders/'), key=lambda p: os.path.getctime(os.path.join('/opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renders/', p)))
	graph_newest = '/opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renders/'+graph_allfiles[-1]
	print 'File for upload: ' + graph_newest #prints location and file to console
	graph_title = 'Graph @ ' + str(sampleTime)
	graph_response = flickr.upload(filename=graph_newest, title=graph_title, format='etree') #uploads the file to flickr
	graph_photoID = graph_response.find('photoid').text #gets the id of the photo for constructing a url
	print 'Graph Upload Successful, Photo ID: ' + graph_photoID + '\n' #more debug info
	#tweets the images and data
	send = 'Brghtnss: ' + str(format((((float(ldr1)/1024)*100)),'.0f')) + '% / ' + 'Tmprtr: ' + str(format(tmp1,'.0f')) + ' Dg F' + ' / Avg Plnt Moisture: '+  str(format(float((float((mst1+mst2+mst3+mst4)/4)/1024)*100),'.0f')) + '%' + ' Graph: ' + 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/97350286@N08/'+ str(graph_photoID) + ' Pic: ' + 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/97350286@N08/' + str(picture_photoID) #builds the text of the tweet
	print "Tweeting:" , send  #for debug purposes
	api.update_status(send) #tweets the tweet
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, False)
	print "\n-----------end-----------"
def table_update():
	global table_number
	table_number = table_number + 1
	global table_code
	table_code = str(time.strftime('%m_%d_%y_%H_%M_%S')) + '__' + str(table_number)
	print 'Creating Table: ' + table_code
	cursor.execute('USE piplanter')
	cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE piplanter_table_'+ table_code +'(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Time VARCHAR(100), mst1_V VARCHAR(100), mst2_V VARCHAR(100), mst3_V VARCHAR(100), mst4_V VARCHAR(100), pot1_V VARCHAR(100), ldr1_V VARCHAR(100), tmp1_F VARCHAR(100) );')

scheduler = Scheduler(standalone=True)

scheduler.add_interval_job(hourlyUpdate, hours=1)
scheduler.add_interval_job(water, days=1)
scheduler.add_interval_job(table_update, weeks=2)

scheduler.start() #runs the program indefianately once every hour

Here’s the .php script:


/* Include all the classes */ 

$myData = new pData(); /* Create your dataset object */ 

$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "piplanter_user", "piplanter_pass"); //location of server, db username, db pass
mysql_select_db("piplanter", $db);

$Requete = "SELECT * FROM `piplanter_table_" . $argv[1] . "`"; //table name
$Result = mysql_query($Requete, $db);

/*This fetches the data from the mysql database, and adds it to pchart as points*/
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Result))
	$Time = $row["Time"];
	$mst1_V = $row["mst1_V"];
	$mst2_V = $row["mst2_V"];
	$mst3_V = $row["mst3_V"];
	$mst4_V = $row["mst4_V"];
	$ldr1_V = $row["ldr1_V"];
	$tmp1_F = $row["tmp1_F"];

$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("tmp1_F", 0); //assigns the data to the frist axis
$myData-> setAxisName(0, "Degrees F"); //adds the label to the first axis

$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("ldr1_V", 1);
$myData-> setAxisName(1, "LDR");

$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst1_V", 2);
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst1_V",2);
$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst2_V", 2);
$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst3_V", 2);
$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst4_V", 2);
$myData-> setAxisName(2, "Relative Moisture");

$myData->setAbscissa("Time"); //sets the time data set as the x axis label

$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst1_V",1); //draws the line tickness
$myData->setPalette("mst1_V",array("R"=>58,"G"=>95,"B"=>205,"Alpha"=>80)); //sets the line color
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst2_V",1);
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst3_V",1);
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst4_V",1);

$myData-> setSerieWeight("ldr1_V",2);
$myData-> setSerieTicks("ldr1_V", 4);

$myData-> setSerieWeight("tmp1_F",2);
$myData-> setSerieTicks("tmp1_F", 4);

$myPicture = new pImage(4000,500,$myData); /* Create a pChart object and associate your dataset */ 
$myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>"/srv/www/lib/pChart/fonts/pf_arma_five.ttf","FontSize"=>6)); /* Choose a nice font */
$myPicture->setGraphArea(130,40,3900,300); /* Define the boundaries of the graph area */
$myPicture->drawScale(array("LabelRotation"=>320)); /* Draw the scale, keep everything automatic */ 

$Settings = array("R"=>250, "G"=>250, "B"=>250, "Dash"=>1, "DashR"=>0, "DashG"=>0, "DashB"=>0);

/*The combination makes a cool looking graph*/
$myPicture->drawLegend(30,320); //adds the legend

//$date-> date("d-M-Y:H:i:s");

//$myPicture->autoOutput(); /* Build the PNG file and send it to the web browser */ 



Thank you for reading!


So I’ve decided that it doesn’t make sense for me to make little tiny posts on here, so I’ve migrated my thoughts on development to twitter at: www.twitter.com/eso_logic

Pi Uploader | Updating Code for Mounting and Mounting Capabilities

This program can now handle mounting and unmounting the SD card on /mnt/SD (you will have to make that dir with root privileges)

#time setup
import time

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

in_left = 11
GPIO.setup(in_left, GPIO.IN)
in_right = 13
GPIO.setup(in_right, GPIO.IN)
button = 16
GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN)

flickr_LED = 3
GPIO.setup(flickr_LED, GPIO.OUT)
both_LED = 5
GPIO.setup(both_LED, GPIO.OUT)
hdd_LED = 7
GPIO.setup(hdd_LED, GPIO.OUT)
uploading_LED = 26
GPIO.setup(uploading_LED, GPIO.OUT)
ready_LED = 24
GPIO.setup(ready_LED, GPIO.OUT)
stat_LED = 22
GPIO.setup(stat_LED, GPIO.OUT)

#for the cp command
import os
import os.path

#setup for datestamping folders
import time

#Flickr Setup
import flickrapi
api_key =
api_secret =
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json')
(token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

#Storage Locations
sdcard = '/mnt/SD'
destination = '/media/usb0/'

#these functions will be filled later, but right now it's just a simple led blink
def flickr_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr"

	flickr_number = 0

	flickr_upload_list = []

	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(sdcard):
		for filename in files:
			listfiles = os.path.join(path, filename)
			upload_response = flickr.upload(filename = listfiles, format='etree')
			upload_ID = upload_response.find('photoid').text
			print 'Photo ' + str(flickr_number) + ' uploaded' + ' ID: ' + upload_ID + ' : ' + str(flickr_upload_list[flickr_number])
			flickr_number = flickr_number + 1

	set_name = 'Uploaded At ' + time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')

	print 'Creating Set: ' + set_name

	json_string = flickr.photosets_create(title=set_name, primary_photo_id=flickr_upload_list[0])
	set_id = json_string.split('"')[5]

	print 'Set Created: ' + set_id
	print 'Adding Files To list'

	for s in flickr_upload_list:
		flickr.photosets_addPhoto(photoset_id=set_id, photo_id=s)
		print 'Photo: ' + s + ' Added To Set: ' + set_id

	print "Flickr Upload Completed"

def hdd_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)

	print 'Creating Folder'

	foldername = time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')
	os.system('mkdir ' + destination + foldername)

	print 'Folder Created: ' + destination + foldername

	hdd_number = 0

	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(sdcard):
		for filename in files:
			hdd_number = hdd_number + 1
			listfiles = os.path.join(path, filename)
			print 'Copying File: ' + str(number) + ' ' + listfiles
			command = 'cp ' + listfiles + ' ' + destination + foldername
			print command

	print "HDD Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def both_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr and the HDD"
	print "Double Upload Completed"

while 1:

	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(stat_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(in_left):
		#print "left"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	elif GPIO.input(in_right):
		#print "right"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, True)

		#print "mid"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(button):

		GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)

		os.system('mount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + sdcard)
		print 'SD Mounted'

		if GPIO.input(in_left):
			os.system('umount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + sdcard)
			print 'SD Unounted'
			GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
			GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
		elif GPIO.input(in_right):
			os.system('umount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + sdcard)
			print 'SD Unounted'
			GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
			GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
			os.system('umount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + sdcard)
			print 'SD Unounted'
			GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
			GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

Pi Uploader | Uploading and Photoset population with Flickr

Here’s a video!

So now, when in Flickr Upload mode, the program will:

1. Walk through all Sub-Directories and find every image file

2. Upload all of those photos to Flickr

3. Get the photo ID’s of each of those photos and then index them into a list

4. Use that list to create a Photoset (Flickr’s equivalent of a Photo Album) named after the time the photos were uploaded.

As I said in the video, I want eventually (if the weather stays this bad, tomorrow) add email functionality to the program so it will send the user an email when all of the photos have been uploaded / the set of those photos.

Here’s the source used in the video:

#time setup
import time

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

in_left = 11
GPIO.setup(in_left, GPIO.IN)
in_right = 13
GPIO.setup(in_right, GPIO.IN)
button = 16
GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN)

flickr_LED = 3
GPIO.setup(flickr_LED, GPIO.OUT)
both_LED = 5
GPIO.setup(both_LED, GPIO.OUT)
hdd_LED = 7
GPIO.setup(hdd_LED, GPIO.OUT)
uploading_LED = 26
GPIO.setup(uploading_LED, GPIO.OUT)
ready_LED = 24
GPIO.setup(ready_LED, GPIO.OUT)
stat_LED = 22
GPIO.setup(stat_LED, GPIO.OUT)

#for the cp command
import os
import os.path

#setup for datestamping folders
import time

#Flickr Setup
import flickrapi
api_key = '2bfb7e8be01e5f9f37e2e140076c6efa'
api_secret = 'fb4295ce55e7e0dd'
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json')
(token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

#Storage Locations
sdcard = '/media/usb0/'
destination = '/media/usb0/'

#these functions will be filled later, but right now it's just a simple led blink
def flickr_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	flickr_number = 0
	flickr_upload_list = []

	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(sdcard):
		for filename in files:
			listfiles = os.path.join(path, filename)
			upload_response = flickr.upload(filename = listfiles, format='etree')
			upload_ID = upload_response.find('photoid').text
			print 'Photo ' + str(flickr_number) + ' uploaded' + ' ID: ' + upload_ID + ' : ' + str(flickr_upload_list[flickr_number])
			flickr_number = flickr_number + 1
	set_name = 'Uploaded At ' + time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')
	print 'Creating Set: ' + set_name
	json_string = flickr.photosets_create(title=set_name, primary_photo_id=flickr_upload_list[0])
	set_id = json_string.split('"')[5]
	print 'Set Created: ' + set_id
	print 'Adding Files To list'
	for s in flickr_upload_list:
		flickr.photosets_addPhoto(photoset_id=set_id, photo_id=s)
		print 'Photo: ' + s + ' Added To Set: ' + set_id

	print "Flickr Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def hdd_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print 'Creating Folder'
	foldername = time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')
	os.system('mkdir ' + destination + foldername)
	print 'Folder Created: ' + destination + foldername
	hdd_number = 0
	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(sdcard):
		for filename in files:
			hdd_number = hdd_number + 1
			listfiles = os.path.join(path, filename)
			print 'Copying File: ' + str(number) + ' ' + listfiles
			command = 'cp ' + listfiles + ' ' + destination + foldername
			print command

	print "HDD Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
def both_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr and the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print "Double Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

while 1:
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(stat_LED, False)
	if GPIO.input(in_left):
		#print "left"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)
	elif GPIO.input(in_right):
		#print "right"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, True)
		#print "mid"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)
	if GPIO.input(button):
		if GPIO.input(in_left):
		elif GPIO.input(in_right):

Pi Uploader | Copy from SD card to HDD

Here’s a video!

So half of the core functionality of the device is done! It’s a pretty simple solution to walk through all of the files in the directory. I actually might check if having sub-folders will mess the process up and it probably will, if that’s the case I’ll try and publish a fix for later tonight.

Anyway’s here’s the source:

#time setup
import time

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

in_left = 11
GPIO.setup(in_left, GPIO.IN)
in_right = 13
GPIO.setup(in_right, GPIO.IN)
button = 16
GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN)

flickr_LED = 3
GPIO.setup(flickr_LED, GPIO.OUT)
both_LED = 5
GPIO.setup(both_LED, GPIO.OUT)
hdd_LED = 7
GPIO.setup(hdd_LED, GPIO.OUT)
uploading_LED = 26
GPIO.setup(uploading_LED, GPIO.OUT)
ready_LED = 24
GPIO.setup(ready_LED, GPIO.OUT)
stat_LED = 22
GPIO.setup(stat_LED, GPIO.OUT)

#for the cp command
import os

#setup for datestamping folders
import time

#Flickr Setup
import flickrapi
api_key =
api_secret =
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json')
(token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

#these functions will be filled later, but right now it's just a simple led blink
def flickr_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)

	print "Flickr Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def hdd_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)

	folder = time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y_%H-%M-%S')

	print "Creating Directory for Copy"
	os.system('mkdir ' + '/media/usb0/' + folder)
	print 'Folder Created: ' + folder

	for filename in os.listdir('/media/usb1'):
		GPIO.output(stat_LED, True)
		print 'Copying File: ' + filename
		GPIO.output(stat_LED, False)
		os.system('cp /media/usb1/' + filename + ' /media/usb0/' + folder + '/')

	print "HDD Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def both_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr and the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print "Double Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

while 1:

	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(stat_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(in_left):
		#print "left"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	elif GPIO.input(in_right):
		#print "right"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, True)

		#print "mid"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(button):

		if GPIO.input(in_left):
		elif GPIO.input(in_right):

EDIT: So the above code won’t walk through sub-folders on the SD card, here’s an updated source:

#time setup
import time

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

in_left = 11
GPIO.setup(in_left, GPIO.IN)
in_right = 13
GPIO.setup(in_right, GPIO.IN)
button = 16
GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN)

flickr_LED = 3
GPIO.setup(flickr_LED, GPIO.OUT)
both_LED = 5
GPIO.setup(both_LED, GPIO.OUT)
hdd_LED = 7
GPIO.setup(hdd_LED, GPIO.OUT)
uploading_LED = 26
GPIO.setup(uploading_LED, GPIO.OUT)
ready_LED = 24
GPIO.setup(ready_LED, GPIO.OUT)
stat_LED = 22
GPIO.setup(stat_LED, GPIO.OUT)

#for the cp command
import os
import os.path

#setup for datestamping folders
import time

#Flickr Setup
import flickrapi
api_key = '2bfb7e8be01e5f9f37e2e140076c6efa'
api_secret = 'fb4295ce55e7e0dd'
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json')
(token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

#test = flickr.photosets_create(title="test", primary_photo_id="9253811236")

#print test

sdcard = '/media/usb0/'
destination = '/media/usb1/'

#these functions will be filled later, but right now it's just a simple led blink
def flickr_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)

	print "Flickr Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def hdd_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)

	print 'Creating Folder'

	foldername = time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S')
	os.system('mkdir ' + destination + foldername)

	print 'Folder Created: ' + destination + foldername

	number = 0

	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(sdcard):
		for filename in files:
			number = number + 1
			listfiles = os.path.join(path, filename)
			print 'Copying File: ' + str(number) + ' ' + listfiles
			command = 'cp ' + listfiles + ' ' + destination + foldername
			print command

	print "HDD Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def both_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr and the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print "Double Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

while 1:

	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(stat_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(in_left):
		#print "left"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	elif GPIO.input(in_right):
		#print "right"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, True)

		#print "mid"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(button):

		if GPIO.input(in_left):
		elif GPIO.input(in_right):

Pi Uploader | A basic skeleton

So like I said in my previous post I’m attempting to make a dead simple Flickr uploader. Video explaining this setup here:

Here’s a picture of how it’s all wired up, this will likely not change throughout the duration of the project:


Image generated by fritzing.

And here’s the python code, it’s very rudimentary:

#time setup
import time

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

flickr_LED = 3
GPIO.setup(flickr_LED, GPIO.OUT)

both_LED = 5
GPIO.setup(both_LED, GPIO.OUT)

hdd_LED = 7
GPIO.setup(hdd_LED, GPIO.OUT)

in_left = 11
GPIO.setup(in_left, GPIO.IN)

in_right = 13
GPIO.setup(in_right, GPIO.IN)

button = 16
GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN)

uploading_LED = 26
GPIO.setup(uploading_LED, GPIO.OUT)

ready_LED = 24
GPIO.setup(ready_LED, GPIO.OUT)

b_LED = 22

def flickr_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print "Flickr Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def hdd_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print "HDD Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

def both_upload():
	print "Uploading Photos To Flickr and the HDD"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, False)
	print "Double Upload Completed"
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)

while 1:

	GPIO.output(ready_LED, True)
	GPIO.output(uploading_LED, False)
	GPIO.output(b_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(in_left):
		#print "left"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	elif GPIO.input(in_right):
		#print "right"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, True)

		#print "mid"
		GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False)
		GPIO.output(both_LED, True)
		GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False)

	if GPIO.input(button):

		if GPIO.input(in_left):

		elif GPIO.input(in_right):

Thanks for reading!

What I want to do before the end of the summer

As this is a development blog, I figure that those reading would want to know what I want to do by the end of the summer.

First things first, I really want to finish my speaker system once I get home. As you may or may not be able to tell, I’m currently away from my desk and on vacation. The final parts for the speaker are waiting at my house as I type this, so once I get home on Saturday I hope to finish the speakers either that night or at least the next day. Expect a higher-quality video / post about that project as I had help making it so I was able to get some really cool “making of footage” so the video should be a little better quality.

I also want to get a Raspberry Pi and Arduino board talking over an xbee network. Why I want to do this I’m not sure, but this seems like something it may be useful to learn how to do, so I’ll probably come up with some sort of dummy project to demo that technology. I wonder if I’ll use that serial deliminator script I wrote for the arduino so many months ago. That’s still probably my best work as a programmer.

I have a cool idea for a Raspberry Pi project. My mother takes a lot of photographs on her really nice DSLR camera. Much like most “normal” people she isn’t really keen on uploading photo after photo to an image hosting service. Because of this, she often either doesn’t share these photos with anybody, and takes separate photographs with her iPhone to share with others. I think I’m going to come up with some solution that has a very simple user interface (like 1 button and 2 LED’s) that can upload a whole SD card of photo’s to flickr and then email the user once it’s done.

Yeah! If there’s any stuff you want me to do / see let me know in the comments!

My Mobile Raspberry Pi Setup

So I’m on vacation, and I needed a way to do some raspberry pi work while I’m away from my primary workstation.

I don’t have a wireless dongle, and running an ethernet cable isn’t an option, so I decided to go with an EasyCap capture card and a usb keyboard.

Here’s a video explaining my setup:


PiPlanter – A Plant Growth Automator

New Version The Post Below Is Out Of Date Click Here For The New Version

This post is many months in the making and I am very proud of the thing’s I’ve done here, and very thankful to all of those (specifically at www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi) who have helped me along my way to getting this project up and running.

This page contains every single post related to this project, please feel free to go back and look at my progression and pick up tips along the way if you want to try something like this.

Let’s get this going, here’s an overview video:

There are 8 parts to this system and, you guessed it, I’ll be going in-depth about every single one!

Sensor Network

So at it’s core, the PiPlanter is a Sensor Network & Pump System. Here’s a video explaining the sensor array:

This project uses a TMP35-37 sensor to get a pretty precise temperature reading of the room. Later down in this post you can find out the algorithm to determine the temperature in Fahrenheit. It also uses a basic LDR to get the relative ambient light level in the room. Along with those two sensors, there are 4 relative humidity sensors of my own design, here’s a picture of them as seen in this post:


They’re hooked up to the ADC (mentioned later) in the same way that the LDR is, with a voltage dividing resistor, and then fed directly into ADC. The principal behind this sensor is that when you insert it into soil, the water in that soil connected the two probes, causing a voltage to flow across them. So if there is more water in the soil, more electrons will flow across them, and the analog value will be higher. It’s very basic, but it works. I’ve done several long term tests, and over time, as the soil becomes dryer, the value gets lower, indicating relative dryness. Here is a picture of the four probes in the soil, with the plants.

The TMP sensor’s output is plugged directly into the ADC and the LDR is very basically connected to the ADC as well, this is essentially how how the whole thing is setup on the breadboard:


Pump System

The pump system is pretty dead simple. Essentially it is a PowerSwitch Tail II switching the mains to a 9v DC power supply. The 9v power supply is connected directly to a 12v DC submersible pump. Instead of using a motor driver chip, which requires 3 pins to do, and the chip would get hot and whatnot, I’ve decided to go with this method.

The pump is not self priming. This means it cannot make the transition from pumping air to pumping water. I wrestled with this problem for a long time, and came up with what I think is an elegant solution. I submerged the pump directly into the water, which means the pump will never fill with air, and will always pump water when activated. Here’s a video explaining the pump system:

Raspberry Pi ADC

The next system is the ADC connected to the Raspberry Pi. It is an 8 bit, 8 port analog to digital converter that can easily run on 3.3v so it’s perfect for the pi. Here is the chip, and you set it up as follows (I took this from an earlier post I wrote)

Now we need to set up the specific libraries for python the first of which being spidev, the spi tool for the raspberry pi which we can grab from git using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install git
git clone git://github.com/doceme/py-spidev
cd py-spidev/
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo python setup.py install

You also need to (copied from http://scruss.com/blog/2013/01/19/the-quite-rubbish-clock/):

As root, edit the kernel module blacklist file:

sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf

Comment out the spi-bcm2708 line so it looks like this:

#blacklist spi-bcm2708

Save the file so that the module will load on future reboots. To enable the module now, enter:

sudo modprobe spi-bcm2708

To read from the ADC, add the following to your python code. The full code will be listed later:

#fuction that can read the adc
def readadc(adcnum):
# read SPI data from MCP3008 chip, 8 possible adc's (0 thru 7)
    if adcnum > 7 or adcnum < 0:
        return -1
    r = spi.xfer2([1, 8 + adcnum << 4, 0])
    adcout = ((r[1] & 3) << 8) + r[2]
    return adcout

So just use “readadc(n)” to get a value.

Python Code

I’ve made a real effort this time to comment my code well, so I’m not going to do a line by line breakdown like I often do, but I will clearly state the installs and setup things as follows. I’m assuming you have python-dev installed.

Download and install: APScheduler, this is a very straight forward install

Download and install: tweepy, you will need to go through the API setup process.

Download and install: flickrapi, you will need to go through the API setup process.

Here’s the source code for the python component of this project:

#Timing setup
from datetime import datetime
from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os

now =datetime.datetime.now()

#import logging #if you start getting logging errors, uncomment these two lines

#GPIO setup
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
pin = 26 #pin for the adc
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)
NPNtrans = 3 #the pin for the npn transistor
GPIO.setup(NPNtrans, GPIO.OUT)
sampleLED = 5 #the indicator LED
GPIO.setup(sampleLED, GPIO.OUT)
pump = 7 #pin for the pump
GPIO.setup(pump, GPIO.OUT)

#the adc's SPI setup
import spidev
spi = spidev.SpiDev()
spi.open(0, 0)

#sets up the program's ability to write to a mysql database
import MySQLdb
con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost','piplanter_user','piplanter_pass','piplanter');
cursor = con.cursor()

#tweepy setup, you must use the keys given to you when you create your app
import tweepy
#"logs in" to twitter,
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

#Flickr Setup
import flickrapi
api_key = ''
api_secret = ''
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json')
(token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

#Variable Setup
ontime = 20

#fuction that can read the adc
def readadc(adcnum):
# read SPI data from MCP3008 chip, 8 possible adc's (0 thru 7)
    if adcnum > 7 or adcnum < 0:
        return -1
    r = spi.xfer2([1, 8 + adcnum << 4, 0])
    adcout = ((r[1] & 3) << 8) + r[2]
    return adcout

def slowSample():

	date0 = "21-06-2013 15"
	date1 = "25-06-2013 12"
	date2 = "29-06-2013 12"
	date3 = "04-07-2013 12"
	date4 = "06-07-2013 12"

	if str(time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H')) == date0:
	if str(time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H')) == date1:
	if str(time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H')) == date2:
	if str(time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H')) == date3:
	if str(time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H')) == date4:

	print "----------start----------"

	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, True)
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, True)


	sampleTime = time.ctime()

	mst1 = readadc(0)
	mst2 = readadc(1)
	mst3 = readadc(2)
	mst4 = readadc(3)

	pot1 = readadc(4)

	ldr1 = readadc(5)

	millivolts = readadc(6)*(3300.0/1024.0)
	temp_c = ((millivolts - 100.0)/10)-40.0
	tmp1 = (temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32

	#prints debug info to console
	print sampleTime,"|","MST1:",mst1,"MST2:",mst2,"MST3:",mst3,"MST4:",mst4,"Pot1:",pot1,"LDR1:",ldr1,"TMP1:",tmp1 #prints the debug info

	#adds the data to the mysql table
	cursor.execute("INSERT INTO piplanter_table_17(Time,mst1_V,mst2_V,mst3_V,mst4_V,pot1_V,ldr1_V,tmp1_F) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",(sampleTime,mst1,mst2,mst3,mst4,pot1,ldr1,tmp1))
	con.commit() #this is important for live updating

	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, False) #turns the probes off

	#renders the image of the graph
	print "render start"
	os.system("php /opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renderScript.php") #renders the .png file
	print "render complete"

	#finds the newest image in the directory
	allfiles = sorted(os.listdir('/opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renders/'), key=lambda p: os.path.getctime(os.path.join('/opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renders/', p)))
	newest = '/opt/bitnami/wordpress/piplanter/renders/'+allfiles[-1]
	print 'File for upload: ' + newest #prints location and file to console

	response = flickr.upload(filename=newest, title=sampleTime, format='etree') #uploads the file to flickr
	photoID = response.find('photoid').text #gets the id of the photo for constructing a url
	print 'Upload Successful, Photo ID: ' + photoID #more debug info

	#tweets the image and data
	send = 'Brghtnss: ' + str(format((((float(ldr1)/1024)*100)),'.0f')) + '% / ' + 'Tmprtr: ' + str(format(tmp1,'.0f')) + ' Dg F' + ' / Avg Plnt Moisture: '+  str(format(float((float((mst1+mst2+mst3+mst4)/4)/1024)*100),'.0f')) + '%' + ' Graph: ' +'http://www.flickr.com/photos/97350286@N08/'+photoID +' - www.esologic.com/?p=643'  #builds the text of the tweet
	print "Tweeting:" , send  #for debug purposes
	api.update_status(send) #tweets the tweet

	GPIO.output(sampleLED, False)

	print "-----------end-----------"

def water():

	print "===== Starting Watering Process ====="

	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, True)
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, True)


	sensor1_before = readadc(0)
	sensor2_before = readadc(1)
	sensor3_before = readadc(2)
	sensor4_before = readadc(3)

	before = "WATERING START / Moisture Before - " + "Sensor 1:" + str(sensor1_before) + " Sensor 2:" + str(sensor2_before) + " Sensor 3:" + str(sensor3_before) + " Sensor 4:" + str(sensor4_before) + " - Average:" + str((float(sensor1_before+sensor2_before+sensor3_before+sensor4_before)/4))
	print before

	GPIO.output(pump, True)
	GPIO.output(pump, False)

	time.sleep(60) #gives the water time to penetrate the soil

	sensor1_after = readadc(0)
	sensor2_after = readadc(1)
	sensor3_after = readadc(2)
	sensor4_after = readadc(3)

	after = "WATERING COMPLETED / Moisture After - " + "Sensor 1:" + str(sensor1_after) + " Sensor 2:" + str(sensor2_after) + " Sensor 3:" + str(sensor3_after) + " Sensor 4:" + str(sensor4_after) + " - Average: " + str((float(sensor1_after+sensor2_after+sensor3_after+sensor4_after)/4))
	print after

	GPIO.output(NPNtrans, False)
	GPIO.output(sampleLED, False)

	print "====== Watering Process Complete ====="
slowSample() #runs the sample once before the interval starts, mostly a debug function

scheduler = Scheduler(standalone=True)
scheduler.add_interval_job(slowSample, hours=1)
scheduler.start() #runs the program indefianately once every hour

There you go! Essentially, every hour, the raspberry pi samples data from 4 humidity probes, an LDR and a tmp sensor. Once the sampling is complete, it dumps the data into a mysql database. From there the data is rendered into a graph using pChart in the form of a .png image. From there, that .png files is uploaded to flickr using this api. Once the file is uploaded, it returns it’s photo ID to the python script. From there, a tweet is built containing the brightness at the time of the tweet, the temperature at the time of the tweet, and the average moisture of the plants. It also uses the photo ID from flickr obtained earlier to build a URL leading to that image on flickr which it tweets as well. The final part of the tweet is a url that leads to this post! (taken from)

MySQL Database

The database is extremely simple, after installing MySQL set it up and create table that follows this syntax:

CREATE TABLE piplanter_table_17(Sample_Number INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Time VARCHAR(100), mst1_V VARCHAR(100), mst2_V VARCHAR(100), mst3_V VARCHAR(100), mst4_V VARCHAR(100), pot1_V VARCHAR(100), ldr1_V VARCHAR(100), tmp1_F VARCHAR(100) );

Pretty basic stuff, the table is just where the python script dumps the data every hour.

PChart Graph

The software driving the graphing part of the project is a bit of php graphing software called pchart. It allows me to graph mysql values from a table in a variety of ways. It is very important, and the code for the php script is as follows:


/* Include all the classes */

$myData = new pData(); /* Create your dataset object */

$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass"); //location of server, db username, db pass
mysql_select_db("piplanter", $db);

$Requete = "SELECT * FROM `piplanter_table_17`"; //table name
$Result = mysql_query($Requete, $db);

/*This fetches the data from the mysql database, and adds it to pchart as points*/
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Result))
	$Time = $row["Time"];

	$mst1_V = $row["mst1_V"];
	$mst2_V = $row["mst2_V"];
	$mst3_V = $row["mst3_V"];
	$mst4_V = $row["mst4_V"];

	$ldr1_V = $row["ldr1_V"];

	$tmp1_F = $row["tmp1_F"];

$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("tmp1_F", 0); //assigns the data to the frist axis
$myData-> setAxisName(0, "Degrees F"); //adds the label to the first axis

$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("ldr1_V", 1);
$myData-> setAxisName(1, "LDR");

$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst1_V", 2);
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst1_V",2);
$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst2_V", 2);
$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst3_V", 2);
$myData-> setSerieOnAxis("mst4_V", 2);
$myData-> setAxisName(2, "Relative Moisture");

$myData->setAbscissa("Time"); //sets the time data set as the x axis label

$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst1_V",1); //draws the line tickness
$myData->setPalette("mst1_V",array("R"=>58,"G"=>95,"B"=>205,"Alpha"=>80)); //sets the line color
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst2_V",1);
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst3_V",1);
$myData-> setSerieWeight("mst4_V",1);

$myData-> setSerieWeight("ldr1_V",2);
$myData-> setSerieTicks("ldr1_V", 4);

$myData-> setSerieWeight("tmp1_F",2);
$myData-> setSerieTicks("tmp1_F", 4);

$myPicture = new pImage(2000,500,$myData); /* Create a pChart object and associate your dataset */
$myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>"/srv/www/lib/pChart/fonts/pf_arma_five.ttf","FontSize"=>6)); /* Choose a nice font */
$myPicture->setGraphArea(130,40,1900,300); /* Define the boundaries of the graph area */
$myPicture->drawScale(array("LabelRotation"=>320)); /* Draw the scale, keep everything automatic */

$Settings = array("R"=>250, "G"=>250, "B"=>250, "Dash"=>1, "DashR"=>0, "DashG"=>0, "DashB"=>0);

/*The combination makes a cool looking graph*/
$myPicture->drawLegend(30,320); //adds the legend

//$date-> date("d-M-Y:H:i:s");

//$myPicture->autoOutput(); /* Build the PNG file and send it to the web browser */



As you may be able to guess, upon the calling of this script, the program looks for a table called “piplanter_table_17” and does a bunch of stuff as commented to produce a graph. This is what a sample graph looks like:

Wed Jun 26 19:39:17 2013

This is data taken over 6 days, and it’s a lot to look at, but it’s good stuff.

Twitter & Flickr Integration

As you hopefully derived from the python code, this project uses Twitter to send data to me. Instead of using an email server or sending sms messages, I decided on twitter because of a few reasons. I use the service constantly, so I won’t ever miss a tweet. The API seemed really easy to use (and it was!) and allowed more than one person to acess the data at any one time. I decided to use flickr as my image hosting service for a lot of the same reasons, but the main one was their 1TB storage per person. You’ve already seen a sample flickr upload, so here’s a sample tweet:

That’s essentially it! Thank you for reading, and please ask questions.