WordPress installation on ubuntu 10.04

There are probably a million tutorials out there to do this, but as I’m doing it for the second time, I figure that I should probably write it down.

First thing’s first, make sure you’re all updated:

Then install lamp

and run through the install process. Make sure you write all of that info down.

Then download wordpress. Assuming they still have their download architecture the same as the time I’m writing this, you can just use this command.

And unzip this file.

You should see a LOT of stuff unzipping.

Then remove the tarball

Now you need to create a database.

Write down this information.

Next move your wordpress folder to where it’s going to be seen by the web, in my case /opt/bitnami/wordpress/risp

rename the file “wp-config-sample.php” to “wp-config.php”

edit it using your favorite text editor, in my case vim

Follow the instructions in the document to add your MySQL DB stuff that you established earlier.

At this point you’re pretty much done. Navigate you localhost/wp-admin/install.php in your favorite browser to set it all up.

To be able to upload images, you will need to run the following command:

To be able to use custom permalinks within wordpress, we’ll need to make a couple modifications. The first is modify the apahce2 virtual host settings with:

Change the /opt/bitnami/wordpress/ settings so AllowOverride None is set to all like so:

We will also need to give the proper permissions of apache to the .htaccess (found in the root directory of your wordpress install, mine is /opt/bitnami/wordpress/) file by running the following commands:

Note: If the file does not exist, you can create it with:

Raspberry Pi Media Server | Streaming To Any Source Using miniDLNA [Documentation]

I’ve made some progress on the RPi Streaming Server.

To replicate this you’ll need to do the following:

1. Install miniDLNA

2. Edit the config file to how you want it. Edit it using vim

3. Here’s what I’m working with, and it works.

You can grab the file itself here. The only thing that’s different is where I put the media directories. The rest of the instructions are still in the .conf, it’s much simpler than mediatomb for example.

Here’s a video of the whole thing working on 3 devices!

Rpi Media Server | Testing video playback from external data source [Documentation]

So first we need to make sure I can output video files from a usb source.

I’ll be using “usbmount” and omxplayer, to get these packages make sure you’re pi’s setup correctly and run the following commands:

Note: make sure no storage devices are plugged into the usb port when you install “usbmount”

Once those are installed you can start trying to play videos off of the usb drive (eventually the thumb drive  will be replaced with a large hdd

I’ll be using filezilla to transfer to and from the pi.

Check out the video below to see omxplayer in action:

Edit: The upload failed and I forgot to check on it. Come back soon for the video.

I’m choosing to debug my Pi over composite. The reason being is because I’m going to be working a lot with video outputs, and I don’t have a second hdmi ready monitor. I’m going to be using the EasyCAP usb video capture card. This will also give me the ability to record what i’m seeing as well. This 100% better / much more efficient than buying a second monitor and filming on it. Of course when this is ready for implementation, it will be plugged into a television with HDMI so the picture will be amazing.

Rpi Media Server | [Declaration]

The goal of this is to become independent from cable TV while still being able to do all of the same things we would with a cable service – I.E still consume content in the living room on the television.

It should also improve upon the experience. I want to be able to stream content from the Pi to any capable device. That list includes but is not limited to:

I’ll be working on this post most of today, so they’ll be a few posts coming.