PiPlanter 2 | New Code Version / Temporary Setup

Hello! Here are some images of the new grow setup:

and here is the working version of the code:

I’ll do a much more thorough post when the project is further along. For those playing along at home, you can see that I’ve totally re-written the code for this new version. So far, it has much less functionality but much more stability and flexibility.

PiPlanter 2 | Little Plants 1 / Germination Setup

The plants are coming along quite nicely, here is an album of images:

As for my grow setup in this stage, it’s pretty simple. Basically I keep the two desk lamps I have from that area on 24/7 and on the plants. Every morning I put about a half gallon into each of the trays. I also spray about 8oz onto the surface of the plants. Working pretty well so far, all of this growth is only after a week and two days.

PiPlanter 2 | Update / Dirt / Germs

Hi! In order to do PiPlanter 2 at the scale I want, as always, I need money. I’m applying to this grant to hopefully take this project to unreal new heights. In order to apply, one of the component is assembling a budget. In order to do that though, I need to “complete” the whole project… in my head. I have to be able to think of exactly how I want to do the project. From PCB design to pump system, I have to plan it all in order to assemble a realistic budget. There is a lot of good work that comes with this, like schematics and the budget itself. I’ll for sure upload all of the documentation.

On a more stimulating note: I’ve planted the tomato plants in the same manor that I did last summer and here are some pictures of the growth so far.

Here is the dirt and planted seeds:

Here are some very small sprouts that have developed in the last two days.

PiPlanter 2 | Getting Started Again

So I have decided to re write the PiPlanter from the ground up. In essence, it will accomplish the same exact thing but I’d like it to be a lot more of a stable platform to expand upon in the future. I’d also like PiPlanter to be professional enough to bring to market. First off there are a few things you’d need install & a few modifications you’d need to make to Raspian. First thing’s first, you’ll need to enable SPI in the kernel so:

Comment out the spi-bcm2708 line so it looks like this:

Then run this to make it more permanent.

Now for the real meat of it. You’ll need these packages for SPI and the WiringPi library makes things a whole lot easier for us. This program also relies very heavily

Revised python code next post.

PiPlanter | Goals and changes

So I am 151 miles away from the PiPlanter. But thanks to the internet, modern day routers, and wifi dongles I can pretty much control everything about it from here.

That being said, there are a few things I would like to change about the project. First of all, the program itself needs to be more modular. Reason being is that the core program should never stop running, even if changes need to be made. I should be able to screen the main program once, and then never have to stop it ever. This would be advantageous in a few ways but the main example is that the plants will require more water as they get larger, and then less once they start yielding fruit. I could script this, but I think that it would be best to be able to edit the ‘ontime’ value from the program without having to stop the whole process.

I’ll keep y’all posted as I try to implement this.

Multiple Project Update

Hi guys

So I’ve been eeking out all that I can of my last few days of summer, and there hasn’t been much rain or bad weather at all. As a result, I’m not posting much at all.

Doesn’t mean I’m not working though, I’ve been doing a couple things.

First thing’s first my speaker is done. I just need to get a bunch of video edited, and a big post written.

Secondly I’m still working really hard on my dead simple flickr uploader (dsfu). The cool thing about this project is that it has the potential to be very useful to quite a number of people, so I’m trying to make sure that it is very stable, and very easy to duplicate. This means for the most part I’ve been doing a series of 4000+ photo uploads trying to break my script. It’s happened a lot, and you can check my twitter feed to see my brain melt as I try and figure out the problem. This project won’t necessarily be “complete” until I have a 3D printer at my disposal to create the enclosure I want.

As for the PiPlanter, it’s still a work in progress. The update I did with my last post was a start to something really complete it is in no way finished. I still need to move the camera, and the plants.

Thanks for reading!

PiPlanter | Big Overhaul Update

Okay! So I leave for college in less than 30 days, but I’d like to make sure my tomatoes to continue to grow once I leave so I’ve taken some steps to make sure that my departure goes smoothly.

Here’s a video of my revised setup:

There are a few key differences between this setup and my previous one:

The main one is that the watering system has been 100% re-vamped. The water distribution happens via a hose with holes in it instead of using the tray at the bottom of the plant grid in the previous video.

It also takes, uploads and tweets a picture of itself using a raspberry pi camera module.

It also creates a new mysql table every two weeks, and in turn, renders a new kind of graph. The renderscript.php file receives an argument from the python script which is the table code.

Here’s the python script:

Here’s the .php script:

Thank you for reading!