Big post for this project, here’s a video:
This version of the code implements a few really cool features.
First things first I added 10 LEDs that display the percent uploaded of the batch. For example if 13 / 100 photos have been uploaded, the first LED will light up. If 56 / 100 the first 5 LEDs will light up. Eventually the 10 junk LEDs will be replaced with a bar graph which will be mounted externally on the front panel of the enclosure.
I am using every single available output on my Pi now, but I was able to get away with adding 1 more LED that I should be able to use by using a transistor array explained here:
On the code side of things, I updated the way photos are added to the set. It uses the same principal as described in the previous post (using APscheduler to do the adding on an interval). All of these changes can be seen below, it’s still very poorly commented however.
#GPIO setup import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) in_flickr = 11 GPIO.setup(in_flickr, GPIO.IN) in_hdd = 13 GPIO.setup(in_hdd, GPIO.IN) button = 15 GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN) flickr_LED = 3 GPIO.setup(flickr_LED, GPIO.OUT) both_LED = 5 GPIO.setup(both_LED, GPIO.OUT) hdd_LED = 7 GPIO.setup(hdd_LED, GPIO.OUT) stat_LED = 26 GPIO.setup(stat_LED, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_1 = 18 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_1, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_2 = 16 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_2, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_3 = 23 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_3, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_4 = 21 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_4, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_5 = 19 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_5, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_6 = 12 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_6, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_7 = 10 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_7, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_8 = 8 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_8, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_9 = 24 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_9, GPIO.OUT) LED_bar_10 = 22 GPIO.setup(LED_bar_10, GPIO.OUT) global led_bar led_bar = [] led_bar.insert(0,18) led_bar.insert(1,16) led_bar.insert(2,23) led_bar.insert(3,21) led_bar.insert(4,19) led_bar.insert(5,12) led_bar.insert(6,10) led_bar.insert(7,8) led_bar.insert(8,24) led_bar.insert(9,22) for x in xrange(10): GPIO.output(led_bar[x],False) import os from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler import logging logging.basicConfig() import time #Flickr Setup import flickrapi api_key = '' api_secret = '' flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json', cache=True) (token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write') if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program") flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob)) #email setup import smtplib import math def sd_walk(): global file_list global file_number global filename global file_current global file_size global file_size_total print '-Starting File Index' for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(image_dir): for filename in files: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() in ('.jpg','jpeg'): listfiles = os.path.join(path, filename) file_list.insert(file_number,listfiles) print '--File: ' + str(file_number+1) + ' - ' + 'Size: ' + str(round(float(os.path.getsize(listfiles))/(1024),2)) + ' KB ' + ' Added To List: ' + str(listfiles) file_size_total = file_size_total + os.path.getsize(listfiles) file_number = file_number + 1 print '-Indexing Completed ' + 'Total Files: ' + str(file_number) + ' - Total Size: ' + str(round(float(file_size_total)/(1024*1024*1024),2)) + ' GB' + '\n' print '---Starting Upload' def upload_file(): global file_list global file_number global filename global listfiles global file_current global file_size global file_size_total global led_bar if file_current == int(len(file_list)): print '\n----All Files Dealt With...Terminating \n' global scheduler scheduler.shutdown(shutdown_threadpool=False) else: percent = round((float(file_current+1) / float(len(file_list)))*100,0) led = round((float(file_current+1) / float(len(file_list)))*10,0) file_size = file_size + float(os.path.getsize(file_list[file_current]))/(1024) print '----File: ' + str(file_current+1) + ' / ' + str(len(file_list)) + ' - ' + str(round(file_size,2)) + ' KB' + ' / ' + str(round(float(file_size_total)/(1024*1024*1024),2)) + ' GB' + ' - ' + str(percent) + '% Done' + ' - ' + 'LEDs: ' + '1-' + str(led) + ' Lit' print '------File For Upload: ' + file_list[file_current] for x in xrange(int(led)): GPIO.output(led_bar[x],True) upload_response = flickr.upload(filename = file_list[file_current], format='etree') upload_ID = upload_response.find('photoid').text print '------Uploaded - Photo ID: ' + upload_ID id_list.insert(file_current,upload_ID) file_current = file_current + 1 def flickr_upload(): global id_list id_list = [] global file_list file_list = [] global file_current file_current = 0 global file_number file_number = 0 global file_size file_size = 0 global file_size_total file_size_total = 0 sd_walk() global scheduler scheduler = Scheduler(standalone=True) scheduler.add_interval_job(upload_file,seconds=20) scheduler.start() print '--Uploading completed - Adding Files To Set' set_name = 'Uploaded At ' + time.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S') print '\n---Creating Set: ' + set_name print '---Primary Photo: ' + id_list[0] json_string = flickr.photosets_create(title=set_name, primary_photo_id=id_list[0]) global set_id set_id = json_string.split('"')[5] print '---Set Created: ' + set_id print '---Adding Files To list' global flickr_setno flickr_setno = 0 global scheduler scheduler = Scheduler(standalone=True) scheduler.add_interval_job(flickr_addset,seconds=1) scheduler.start() print '--All Photos Added, Flickr Process Complete \n' flickr_email(set_id,file_current,set_name) def flickr_addset(): global id_list global set_id global flickr_setno if flickr_setno == int(len(id_list)): print '\n---All IDs Dealt With...Terminating \n' global scheduler scheduler.shutdown(shutdown_threadpool=False) else: flickr.photosets_addPhoto(photoset_id=set_id, photo_id=id_list[flickr_setno]) print '----Photo: ' + str(flickr_setno+1) + ' Of ' + str(len(id_list)) + ' Added To Set: ' + str(set_id) + ' ID: ' + str(id_list[flickr_setno]) flickr_setno = flickr_setno + 1 def flickr_email(idd,total_files,name): global file_size_total fromaddr = '' toaddrs = '' username = '' password = '' server = smtplib.SMTP('') server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(username,password) print 'Sending Email' SUBJECT = 'Your Photos Have Been Uploaded!' TEXT = ( 'Hello! \n\n' 'You Uploaded a total of: ' + str(total_files) + ' Files' '\n' 'Which Was: ' + str(float(file_size_total)/(1024*1024*1024)) + ' GB' + '\n\n' 'Your Set is Named: "' + str(name) + '" \n\n' 'You can View These Photos Here: \n' '' + str(idd) ) msg = 'Subject: %s\n\n%s' % (SUBJECT, TEXT) server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg) time.sleep(10) server.quit print 'Email Sent \n' while 1: global led_bar GPIO.output(stat_LED, False) if GPIO.input(in_flickr): #print "left" GPIO.output(flickr_LED, True) GPIO.output(both_LED, False) GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False) elif GPIO.input(in_hdd): #print "right" GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False) GPIO.output(both_LED, False) GPIO.output(hdd_LED, True) else: #print "mid" GPIO.output(flickr_LED, False) GPIO.output(both_LED, True) GPIO.output(hdd_LED, False) if GPIO.input(button): GPIO.output(stat_LED, True) print '\n======Start=====\n' print 'Mounting SD' time.sleep(10) global image_dir image_dir = '/mnt/SD/' os.system('hdparm -z /dev/sda1/') os.system('mount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + image_dir) print 'SD Mounted \n' if GPIO.input(in_flickr): flickr_upload() print 'SD Unmouting' time.sleep(10) os.system('umount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + image_dir) print 'SD Unounted' print '======End======' GPIO.output(stat_LED, False) for x in xrange(10): GPIO.output(led_bar[x],False) elif GPIO.input(in_hdd): hdd_upload() print 'SD Unmouting' time.sleep(10) os.system('umount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + image_dir) print 'SD Unounted' print '======End======' GPIO.output(stat_LED, False) for x in xrange(10): GPIO.output(led_bar[x],False) else: both_upload() print 'SD Unmouting' time.sleep(10) os.system('umount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ ' + image_dir) print 'SD Unounted' print '======End======' GPIO.output(stat_LED, False) for x in xrange(10): GPIO.output(led_bar[x],False)
Thanks for reading!