PiPlanter | Graphing With PHP 2

This is a much more refined version of that graph I created earlier. This one is much more detailed, and the sizes of the graph can easily be controlled with the imageSizeX and Y Vals. This program will render: <?php /* CAT:Scaling */ /* pChart library inclusions */ include(“/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pData.class.php”); include(“/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pDraw.class.php”); include(“/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pImage.class.php”); $imageSizeXXal = 1000; $imageSizeYVal…

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PiPlanter | Graphing With PHP

Again, short post. This php code: <?php session_start(); require_once “/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pDraw.class.php”; require_once “/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pImage.class.php”; require_once “/srv/www/lib/pChart/class/pData.class.php”; $squareSeries = array(); $cubeSeries = array(); $fourthSeries = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++){ $squareSeries[$i] = pow($i,2); $cubeSeries[$i] = pow($i,3); $fourthSeries[$i] = pow($i, 4); } $myPowersData = new pData(); $myPowersData -> addPoints($squareSeries,”Square”); $myPowersData -> addPoints($cubeSeries,”Cube”); $myPowersData -> addPoints($fourthSeries,”Fourth”);…

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The Silent Dripper

The first revision of this project was shipped in November of 2020, but the subsequent redesign was commissioned and completed the following summer in 2021. This post primarily a journey through that second revision, and it’s publication comes some time after the deliverable was shipped to the client. Engineering requirements that arrive downstream from artistic…

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Multiple Project Update

Hi guys So I’ve been eeking out all that I can of my last few days of summer, and there hasn’t been much rain or bad weather at all. As a result, I’m not posting much at all. Doesn’t mean I’m not working though, I’ve been doing a couple things. First thing’s first my speaker…

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DEVON BRAY MK4 Digital Dashboard A fully digital dashboard for a vintage automobile. Custom GUI on a 7in display, keypad locking and unlocking, push to start, integrated backup camera, cruise control among other features. All open-sourced. Completed on assignment during my residency at Hitchcock Management Note that this write-up is still a work in progress. CHAMP:…

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Multi Audio Official Raspberry Pi Blog – Play multiple sounds simultaneously with a Raspberry Pi Hackaday – Python script sends each speaker it’s own sound file Hackster.io – Raspberry Pi-Powered Installation Plays Multiple Tracks on Ear-Shaped Speakers Featured on Maker Update: Blinkbox BlinkBox: Debugging Tool For Addressable LEDs Ramp up programmable LED troubleshooting with the BlinkBox PiPlanter https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/piplanter-a-plant-growth-monitor/…

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