RS485 Hardware Network 1 – Getting Started

For another project I’m currently working on, I need a way to control multiple microcontrollers in a multi-point, multi-drop network configuration. Luckily, we live in amazing times. As I write this, you you can buy a fully assembled breakout board for the MAX485 chip from Maxim Integrated for a mere $0.45 USD shipped from China.

I bought a 5 pack, here are some of the boards:

RS485 is an old protocol, but is the logical next step for devices I’m already communicating with via RS232. For this example, I’m using 4 Arduino boards of various types.

  • An Arduino Micro as the master
  • 2 Slave Arduino Leonardos
  • 1 Slave Arduino Pro Mini (5v)

Here is a video of the setup:

The schematic is really straightforward as well. The only tricky bit is that I’m using a software serial port on each of the Arduinos for ease of debugging. Here’s a schematic:

The code to acomplish this is really intuitive as well.

Here is the code for the master Arduino:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

int MAX485_Receiver_Output_PIN = 10;
int MAX485_Driver_Input_PIN = 11;
int MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN = 12;

int debug_led = 13;

SoftwareSerial software_serial (MAX485_Receiver_Output_PIN, MAX485_Driver_Input_PIN); // RX, TX

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); // begin hardware serial
  software_serial.begin(9600); // begin software serial
  pinMode(MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN, HIGH); // this disables Receiver Output Enable and enables Driver Output Enable

void loop()
  byte to_send = 0; // declare the byte to be sent to the slaves though, init as 0
  int rate;
  while (true) 
    // invert the byte to be sent
    if (to_send == 1) to_send = 0;
    else if (to_send == 0) to_send = 1; 
    Serial.print("Sending: ");
    digitalWrite(debug_led, to_send);
    rate = map(analogRead(5), 0, 1023, 0, 1000);
    software_serial.write(to_send); // send our byte out to the MAX485

This is the code for the slave Arduinos:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

int MAX485_Receiver_Output_PIN = 10;
int MAX485_Driver_Input_PIN = 11;
int MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN = 12;

int debug_led_PIN = 9; 

SoftwareSerial software_serial (MAX485_Receiver_Output_PIN, MAX485_Driver_Input_PIN); // RX, TX

void setup()
  software_serial.begin(9600); // begin software serial
  pinMode(MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN, LOW);
  pinMode(debug_led_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() // run over and over
  byte k;
  if (software_serial.available() > 0) // make sure there is something to read
    k =; // read in a single byte from the serial port    
    digitalWrite(debug_led_PIN, k); 

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

int MAX485_Receiver_Output_PIN = 10;
int MAX485_Driver_Input_PIN = 11;
int MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN = 12;

int debug_led_PIN = 9; 

SoftwareSerial software_serial (MAX485_Receiver_Output_PIN, MAX485_Driver_Input_PIN); // RX, TX

void setup()
  software_serial.begin(9600); // begin software serial
  pinMode(MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(MAX485_Driver_Output_Enable_PIN, LOW);
  pinMode(debug_led_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() // run over and over
  byte k;
  if (software_serial .available() &gt; 0) // make sure there is something to read
    k =; // read in a single byte from the serial port    
    digitalWrite(debug_led_PIN, k); 

In subsequent posts, things will start getting more advanced. For now however this should be enough to start from scratch.

Thanks for reading.


  1. how does the setup determine which one is master and which one is Slave. Does the master send only? and the slave receive only as well?

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