1. Install the prerequisites for the python code with the following:
sudo apt-get install python-pip libjpeg-dev python-dev pip install tweepy apscheduler pillow
2. Download the main heyWPI.py file
3. Download the LEDFuns2.py file for driving the LEDs – Place it in the same directory as heyWPI.py
4. Download the Log.py file for getting feedback on the status of the system – Place it in the same directory as heyWPI.py
5. Run the following commands in the same directory as heyWPI.py, this allows the Pi to drive the LEDs. More info on this step here:
git clone https://github.com/sarfata/pi-blaster.git cd pi-blaster sudo apt-get install autoconf ./autogen.sh ./configure && make
6. Now enter your twitter api information into the heyWPI.py file at the top of the heyWPI class. If you don’t have twitter API info click here to get that for free!
You should be ready to rock and roll on the software side, now let’s look at the hardware schematic.
I’ve tried to make this as simple as possible, but it probably isn’t the best way to drive these LEDs, moving forward I’d like to drive these strips with a constant current.
Here are the parts to build it:
If you end up building this let me know!